an international training course for mothers of children aged 0-3

26th June - 1st July 2018, Terény, Hungary

“A woman becomes 100 times stronger when she becomes a mother.”

Exchange with mothers over Europe at a 5 days residential training in English, to exchange about challenges, to learn about your own power found in motherhood and how to go forth from here.
International environment, working language is English.

An EU-funded Training course

Mother Nature international training course

The programme will include elements of:

  • Making connections with each other and our Natural environment

  • The Mother’s Journey - based on the model of Joseph Campbell

  • Challenges of being a mother

  • Nature Quest

  • Finding our own gifts in motherhood and re-aligning life path

  • Mothers as leaders, building support networks

Mother Nature Training course aims to support mothers in their personal transformation, connecting with nature and aligning with their life path.

This five day international adult learning course is a unique opportunity to share and exchange with peer mothers from all over Europe.

Becoming a mother is a rite of passage into the next phase of our adult lives and into our interconnectedness with Mother Earth. It is a unique transformative experience mainly overlooked and even misunderstood in modern societies. We will learn to look at this journey with new eyes, discovering our gifts gained through the journey of motherhood and finding our authentic ways to accept and use them consciously. Throughout the course we use non-formal, nature- and art based learning methods, deep sharing and reflection, and the framework of the “Mothers Journey” - an interpretation of Joseph Campbell’s famous narration to bring meaning to all times’ great myths.

The course will be held in English.

Conditions of participation

  • Costs for travel, food and accomodation are covered by Erasmus+ programme.

    • Accomodation and food are totally covered by the Erasmus + programme.

    • Travel costs will be reimbursed after the course, based on the Erasmus+ scale.

  • Participants are asked for a donation of 80-200 € (depending on your abilities) to contribute towards training costs.

  • The training needs full participation.

  • There is a possibility to bring your child/children (aged 0-3) with an accompanying person, their costs will be not covered by the programme (you will be asked to pay 25 € per day for food and accommodation for each adults coming as accompanying person).

Need more information?

Write to Emese:

Trainers info


Looby Macnamara

Looby is author of People and Permaculture, 7 Ways to Think Differently and Strands of Infinity. She is creator of the Design Web, a holistic design framework that has been used thousands of times globally for all sorts of personal and social designs. She has been chair of the Permaculture Association Britain and is a senior diploma tutor. She lives on a 20 acre smallholding in Herefordshire, where she runs an education and demonstration centre - Applewood Permaculture Centre. She is a mother of two wonderful daughters.  Looby is researching and developing Cultural Emergence with other visionaries and leaders: a profoundly effective toolkit to support personal and global shifts towards a regenerative culture.

For more info see

Berecz Ági

Ági Berecz

Ági has been working in environmental education since 2004. Being inspired by eco pschycology, deep ecology and the path of yoga her interest has been shifting from the outer to the inner dimensions of personal transformation. The immersion to motherhood made her conscious about how becoming a mother and raising up children are main sources of connectedness to womanhood, and to our earthy Mother. She lives in a village in Hungary, teaches yoga, studies integral psychology, coordinates the international "Mother Nature" project and above all she is a mother of two young girls. Within the project she is mainly dedicated to calling together strong support groups for mothers and mother-daughter.


Valentina Cifarelli

Valentina is a dynamic doer and passionate visionary. She is researching and developing ways to support and guide people "in transition" to become aware of their talents and potentials so able to take part authentically and freely in a world rich of challenges and opportunities. To coach and empower people she loves to use non formal education for mutual and dynamic learning and permaculture to grow social, environmental and economic resilience.  After several working experiences since 2014 she is the captain of her own adventure, leading and working for Paradiso Ritrovato, the organisation she co-founded. She is a mother living with her precious family in a little community in the hills of Romagna, in Italy. Here she takes care of bees, plants and people experiencing the enriching and challenging life of an intentional community with other people.


Eszter Laszlo

Eszter joined the project team as a designer and creative artist. She is a member of the Color-Space Association (Pécs) and with Krisztina leads workshops, trainings and projects in the field of youth, creativity, change, and women empowerment using the “Mural Moral Method”: a community art method. She is expert in artistic and social projects both as a trainer and as a project manager: Erasmus+, development processes and local community developing processes in Hungary and in the international field. She is interested in creating with nature and natural paint, land art, ecological thinking, ecotherapy with art tools and women circles.


Doreen Hertrampf

Doreen is a counselor, a psychotherapist for children and teenagers and a former family service social worker.After her studies in social work she has been working in a program for unemployed young adults, providing individual and group counseling and gaining extensive and varied experiences in family counseling and individual transformation. As a family service social worker she has been helping families and individuals to get through difficult times. To improve her knowledge, in 2012 Doreen started her second education in mental health counseling of children and young adults. She studied counseling theories and techniques, psychological testing, ethics, research, cultural perspectives and psychological development. In january 2018, after finishing her studies, she opened her own office for Psychotherapy for children and young adults.

Krisztina Katona

Krisztina Katona

Krisztina is a 36 years old community developer and organizer, who has 10 years experience of working with disadvantaged groups (as Roma people, prisoners, orphans, disabled people) with using community arts as  tool for personal and community development. She developed the method MuralMoral based on the mural painting practice of Funarte in Nicaragua and her own experiences in Hungary. She is a trainer on national and international level too.



The training venue is Johannita Youth Camp, built in the traditional local "Palóc" style, surrounded by beautiful natural environment. Terény is a small, centuries old picturesque  village in the rural county of Nógrád, in North-East Hungary.

Participants coming with a child and an accompany person will be accommodated in rooms with 3 beds or a double plus a single bed. For those of you who arrive alone, you can stay in large shared bedrooms. The rooms are located in the camp, with a nice social area, a separate building with a large training room, there is a playground on the premises of the camp, and an outdoor covered area for children and carers. Food will be made out of local organic vegetables, and a local café will be open in the Evenings for gathering and socializing.