MOTHER NATURE is a community of mothers, women and people supporting mothers.
We are committed to creating a worldwide movement of sisterhood, bringing awareness to the personal transformation journey of mothers.
free Book
mothers as natural leaders
free Book 〰️ download 〰️ mothers as natural leaders 〰️
Join the newsletter to get your FREE PDF download of our NEW book
Mothers as Natural Leaders
Coming up in 2025
Learn more about all the training opportunities that Mother Nature offers here
Mothers As Natural Leaders Course
In Person, UK
5th - 6th Aprill 2025
with option to arrive on the 4th April
Explore your Leadership Journey
Join Looby Macnamara and Emma Gorbutt, 2 ofthe co-authors of Mothers As Natural Leaders, as they guide you through a nourishing reflective process, exploring what leadership means to us as mothers; leadership of ourselves, our families, in our community and in the wider world.
Leading Mother Nature Circles Course
Online - Live Calls & recorded LEssons -
Enrolemnts close 7th April
Become a Mother Nature Circle Facilitator
Learn how to lead a Mother Nature Circle using the Mother Nature Cards. Pre-recorded lessons, PDF handout, chat space and 4 live calls hosted by Emma Gorbutt, where you get extra information and practice leading your own circle. The course starts 24th March and the first of 4 Live Calls start 8th April 2025 10am-12pm and 10th April 2025 6pm-8pm - you come to one
4 Bursary places available
MOther Nature Spring Retreat: OnLine
Sunday 11th May 2025 : 10am -3pm GMT
Experience the Magic of Mother Nature
Join Hattie Duke and Emma Gorbutt for a nourishing retreat , using the Mother Nature Cards to support us in our mothering journey, We will spend a day gathered online, to share our stories in circle, take time outside to reflect on and connect deeply with nature and ourselves, emerging from the day refreshed, centred and heart-warmed.
our latest creations
from our Second Erasmus + Funded Project (2021-2023)
If you want to see a full round up of what we have been up to for the last 2 years click here
an online course
a podcast series
Mother nature Leadership card deck
Mothers As Natural LEaders Book
previous Residential TRAININGs
In May 2023 we had 2 inspiring and nourishing Mothers In Action Trainings in Slovenia and in the UK, where we dived into our mothering journey and leadership pathways & funded by Erasmus +.
During the course at Applewood in the UK, the participants were filmed by the wonderful cinematographer Cristina Panicali and we are pleased to be able to share the full length film she has put together, funded by Erasmus +. Check it out below.
“Dear Mother Nature, I’ve had the most brilliant, funny, effective, relaxing, sparkling, empowering, appropriate, heartfelt, inspired, inspiring, powerful, loving, supportive, calming and reassuring training of my whole life. Just thanks forever. ”
Presenting… the Mother Nature Podcast!
With a rich diversity of skills and perspectives each episode wants to offer council, expert interviews, case studies for professionals supporting mothers, mothers of teenagers and young mothers looking for their new identity.
Previous Creations 2017-2020
from our First Erasmus + Funded project (2017-2020)
If you want to see a full round up of what we did in this project click here
We believe that motherhood - especially in the first years - is an exceptional TIME.
We go through unexpected changes, we meet and overcome challenges, we transform. We acquire and strengthen new skills, the so-called "soft skills": problem-solving, empathy, managing, and many others.
Motherhood is a powerful informal learning process.
Our aim is to create supportive communities of mothers and equip them with tools to learn about their journeys as mothers.
Mother Nature is based on three pillars: Supporting mothers in the personal transformation, nature connection, and designing our life path.
“...helping women become conscious mothers.
This is perhaps the greatest way we can help bring peace to this world.
the Mother Nature Guidebook
This guidebook is a collection of 42 principles: daily affirmations that help us to be present and aware of our journey of motherhood. They are elixirs, a-ha moments, distillations of our joys, struggles, challenges and learnings from our lives as mothers.
Each principle has an explanation, reflective questions and activity.
The Mother Nature Card Deck
This beautiful card deck contains Mother Nature’s 42 principles illustrated by 42 powerful images created by Eszter Laszlo, our team member. It is designed to support your personal transformation journey as a mother. The images and principles will guide, nourish and empower you.
“Not only does the mother give birth to her child, through the child the mother herself is born.”
“Thank you for weaving this beautiful net to connect us and for inviting us to keep on weaving sisterhood. I was able to feel a new culture rising.”
The original framework for our cooperation was a European learning partnership project running from November 2017 until February 2020, between seven European organisations, aimed at developing nature-based methodologies and tools to empower mothers in their personal transformation, and strengthening professional capacities to support them in this process.