mother nature Online Spring Retreat

Online: Sunday 11th May 2025

10am - 3pm GMT With Hattie Duke & Emma Gorbutt

*Early Bird £5 Discount Ends 10/04/24*

Come and join Emma and Hattie online for a nourishing Spring Retreat using the Mother Nature Cards to support us in our mothering journey, whatever stage we are at within this fascinating, challenging and inspiring journey. There is so much to be learnt, reminded of and offering service to, when we come together in circle, as women have since ancient times.

We will spend a day gathering online because for many of us it can be hard to coordinate a day away from home. And online, we have the joy of sharing with women & mothers from our wider global community.


To book please email Emma at

Plan for the Day

We will share our stories with each other in circle and in small groups and in the breaks we will also take time outside with the nature community where we live. We can share this connection too and bring it to life for our fellow mothers, as we are enriched by their sharing of nature near where they live too.

There will be space for joy, laughter and tears together. We will provide space to reflect, to connect deeply with nature and ourselves (remembering that we are part of her) and to settle into a timeless place, where we will emerge refreshed, centred and heart-warmed.


We will start our day together at 10am GMT and will have a 1 hr lunch break . Children are welcome to be around in the back ground and if you can get child care for some of the day all the better for your experience. We will close the day promptly at 3pm .


Full Price £40 Low wage price: £30 Concession price £20

If you would like to come but can’t afford the fee, please do get in contact to see if we can help


To book please email Emma at

Meet The Facilitators

Emma Gorbutt

Emma has had a varied career working for organisations supporting and creating community projects working for positive social and environmental. Since 2011 she has been living and working at Earthworm Housing Co-op and is mum to an 11 year old boy. In 2018 she joined Looby Macnamara working for Applewood Permaculture Centre and in 2021 she join the Mother Nature Team. She has co-facilitated the Mothers in Action, Mothers as Natural Leaders and Leading Mother Nature Circles Courses and is one of the co-authors of our book Mothers As Natural Leaders. Learn more here

Hattie Duke

Hattie Duke is a Nature Based Facilitator, mother of twin boys, with skills in Biographical Counselling. She has over 20 years experience as a Forest School Leader, a Waldorf Teacher and mentor for teenage girls. She also runs a monthly Mother Nature Circle in her shared woodland in Herefordshire. She also runs Hearthlight.

Visit to find out more about Hattie and her work